When I woke up this morning, I would not have thought that today was going to be as wonderful as it has. Even though we woke up at 6 a.m. and had to catch a bus to La Guardia airport, all of us were ecstatic and cracking jokes the whole trip to Quebec.
It was a bittersweet moment when I had to say goodbye to the grand and gorgeous city, because even though I absolutely adore New York, I was also excited to come and visit Canada. New York has really opened my eyes and showed me that not everyone is like the majority of the Danish population. There are people living in poverty all around the streets of New York. Most of the times you are too busy to notice them, however, if you catch a peak of them your conscience takes over. So you donate what few dollars you have left. And even though your contribution might not feed their families, you feel like you have made the world a little bit better - but I digress.
Our flight to Quebec went well, besides the major problem of Rasmus not getting his luggage at baggage claim. Fortunately, he was promised that his suitcase will show up at our hostel as if by magic in the morning. When we landed, we took a taxi to our hostel. I must say that the ride from the airport was one of the most beautiful sights I have seen in a long time. The leaves on the trees were all turning the colour of autumn. Red, yellow, and a thousand other colours that are too unique to describe made Quebec look like a wildfire that has been painted by a million painters.
Quebec is like a totally different world. Were New York was loud and noisy, Quebec is astonishing and breathtaking. In the time spent in New York, I rarely talked to anyone other than people in stores and in restaurants, but in Quebec I have already talked to a whole group of people. In Canada, they are friendly and welcoming. I can feel it in my bones that I am going to return to Quebec some day. It is one of the most beautiful cities that I have ever been to. This day has truthfully been an amazing day.